NRL player attacked fiance after argument over video game, court hears

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Gaming Gaming Headlines News

Gaming Gaming Latest News,Gaming Gaming Headlines

Manly Sea Eagles player Dylan Walker's fiance is heard crying and saying he's scaring me on a triple-0 recording played in court during his trial over an alleged domestic violence incident.

NRL player Dylan Walker yanked his partner's hair in front of neighbours while she was carrying their infant after an argument over a video game, a court has heard.

The 24-year-old said the argument started when she interupted him while he was playing a video game. "He was playing PlayStation [and] I asked if he wanted a fork or spoon with his dinner and then he started screaming and tried to take the baby," she said in a recording. "[He] pulled my hair and I fell down while holding my baby. "He's scaring me, he's physically aggressive — I can't be alone with him while he is like this.


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She’s been seeing a counsellor provided by the NRL. She changed her story😂John Hopoate is supporting Walker. That’s sure to help😂

true colors ...what a great way to find out whether the guy you're with is basically still a kid with no boundaries ...

What video game was he playing. Fortnite I bet

This is the result of her asking if he wanted a fork or a spoon to eat his dinner Really? What a coward and a grub. That is learned behaviour. I hope she has long left that relationship.

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